Tuesday, June 1, 2010

seoul sister

this year, my dear friend lauren trampe moved to seoul for love. the added bonus of moving to korea for love was finding yet more love just down the way in the east china sea, in the form of me. about a month ago, lauren followed her asian destiny 1000 miles south, to southern taiwan. as should be expected of girls who bonded in a catholic girls' high school, we spent our time joyriding on scooters, slurping up taiwan beer & noodles, and nursing appletinis with taiwanese soldiers and their shattered dreams (just kidding, mike & myung!). lauren is fantastic for countless reasons, among those being that she insisted on a blindfold for the blind taiwan beer taste test (blue trounced green 2-0) and she agreed to sing "take me out to the ballgame" in front of my entire school (rained out, sadly). we hope to hangul out in east asia at least won more time this year, in south korea. stay tuned.
photos: lauren & eileen ride smile; lauren, pony & eileen's windswept photo shoot


  1. My Three favorite ladies in Asia!!! Wait, what?

  2. Asian Destiny (or "Azian Destiny") is going to be the name of my new band!
