Tuesday, June 22, 2010

special dedication


  1. Oh my god. Those are so beautiful. I don't know what to say. Shu Shu is amazing. I want to come back right now and give him a culturally not-cool hug to say thank you. We're so lucky! How can Shu Shu be that cool?

  2. Holy shit - those are awesome!! You guys are stoked!

    Why is it culturally uncool to hug? Wouldn't the fact that Mike's a giant, sweaty, hairy outsider make it ok?

  3. the smaller one is saying, "ting zheli!" (listen to me!) the taller one is saying, "i'm listening, i'm listening!"

    that's the story of the ears... according to shu shu (who signed with his real name + (shu shu))

    you're making me too curious about the possible effects of a giant, sweaty, hairy, strong outsider hug.
